This is what 8 Years of consolidation looks like, in a nutshell. We are standing just at the beginning of a new era. 10/25 insane connections to $XRP ☎ 24 & 10. =2024년 10월 날짜는 모릅니다. 그러나 수수께끼에 의하면 25일 입니다 (X)=chi (R)esurrected (P)=rho@Cryptobilbuwoo0 · Oct 16 1. Conversion line & Baseline's Golden Cross✅ 2. Support confirmed above Baseline✅ 3. Same Z-SCORE pattern✅ 24 & 10. 🌕🟣🟢🕛🚀✨🌊🌈☀️🌻🌐♾..