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Elon Musk가 $XRP를 보유하고 있다고 생각하십니까?

삼백지기 2022. 10. 24. 20:51

Do you think Elon Musk holds $XRP?


Elon은 이제 최소 2년 동안 #XRP를 트윗하고 있습니다. 나는 2021년 초부터 그에게서 30개 이상의 선택된 트윗을 작성했으며 어떻게든 모든 트윗은 Gematria의 #XRP에 대한 것으로 디코딩됩니다. 어쩌면 우연일 수도 있고, 내가 미쳤을 수도 있고, 어쩌면 그럴 수도 있습니다.


Anders 🏁@X__Anderson · Oct 23
Do you think Elon Musk holds $XRP?
Elon Musk가 $XRP를 보유하고 있다고 생각하십니까?


Guust Flater@GuustFIater · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
No way.
안 돼요.
Gio 🦅✝️@Georgep61620629 · Oct 24 Replying to @llgasnobrakes @X__Anderson and @elonmusk
Maybe he's required to keep it confidential until the big players prepare themselves.
아마도 그는 빅 플레이어가 스스로 준비할 때까지 기밀을 유지해야 할 것입니다.
⭕ RIZ.GaryGenslerResign ☀️@RizXRP · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
#0doubt #XRP
#0의심 #XRP
Digital Assets Trainer@Greg50186332 · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
He probably owns an option to buy a certain quantity of #XRP at an already fixed price (like Greg Kidd does).
그는 아마도 (Greg Kidd처럼) 이미 고정된 가격으로 특정 수량의 #XRP를 구매할 수 있는 옵션을 소유하고 있을 것입니다.
Chart Watchdog@ChartWatchdog · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
@elonmusk Started PayPal he knows about XRP
Correction he holds XRP. In my opinion.
@elonmusk XRP에 대해 알고 있는 PayPal 시작
그는 XRP를 보유하고 있습니다. 내 생각에.


Blerton Selmani@selmani_blerton · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
@elonmusk spaceX tesla modelX spaceX ? 🤷🏽‍♂️ do you?
@elonmusk spaceX 테슬라 모델X spaceX ? 🤷🏽‍♂️ 하세요?
Bomb XRP@BombXrp · Oct 23 Replying to @selmani_blerton @X__Anderson and @elonmusk
And his son is also called X
그리고 그의 아들은 X라고도 불립니다.


🅱️🅰️🅱️🅰️@BabaCugs · Oct 24 Replying to @X__Anderson
Brandon 😎@Golfstud84 · Oct 24 Replying to @BabaCugs and @X__Anderson
PayPal 🔗 🏦 
페이팔 🔗 🏦
네, 보장합니다!!!


Doq Holliday @doqholliday Elon Musk creates X.com >21 minutes ago
Elon Musk & Peter Thiel turn X.com into Paypal >
PayPal is sold to Ebay >
Elon Musk creates SpaceX >
OpenCoin develops Ripple protocol >
a16z invests in OpenCoin >
OpenCoin becomes Ripple >
Elon Musk & Peter Thiel, a16z invest in Stripe >
CTO of OpenCoin, Jed McCaleb develops Stellar >
Stripe invests in Stellar >
Donald Trump creates Space Force >
Both Ripple and Stellar use X in their tokens, XRP & XLM >
XRP & XLM = 107 >
Elon Musk forms X holding group >
Elon Musk attempts acquisition of Twitter >
Elon Musk has been insanely quiet about XRP and XLM.
Connect the dots.
Elon Musk와 Peter Thiel, X.com을 Paypal로 전환 >
PayPal이 Ebay에 판매됨 >
Elon Musk가 SpaceX를 만들다 >
OpenCoin, Ripple 프로토콜 개발 >
a16z는 OpenCoin에 투자합니다 >
OpenCoin이 Ripple이 됩니다 >
Elon Musk & Peter Thiel, 16z가 Stripe에 투자 >
OpenCoin의 CTO인 Jed McCaleb는 Stellar를 개발합니다. >
스트라이프가 스텔라에 투자하다 >
도널드 트럼프, 우주군 창설 >
Ripple과 Stellar 모두 XRP 및 XLM 토큰에 X를 사용합니다. >
XRP 및 XLM = 107 >
Elon Musk, X 지주 그룹 구성 >
일론 머스크, 트위터 인수 시도 >
Elon Musk는 XRP와 XLM에 대해 미친 듯이 조용했습니다.
점들을 이으세요


Justmihai🔥@mihaidumitres12 · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
He posted a pic about 2-3 years ago with a couple of coins (not top 10 screenshot) that included BTC, ETH & XRP and wrote "One ring, to rule them all"
LOTR methaphor, but it included XRP.
He didn't state those were his holdings.
But one could speculate...
그는 약 2-3년 전에 BTC, ETH 및 XRP가 포함된 두 개의 코인(톱 10 스크린샷 아님)과 함께 사진을 게시하고 "하나의 링, 모두를 지배합니다"라고 썼습니다. 
LOTR 은유이지만 XRP가 포함되어 있습니다.
그는 그것이 자신의 소유라고 밝히지 않았습니다.
그러나 하나는 추측 할 수 있습니다 ...
Anders 🏁@X__Anderson · Oct 23 Replying to @mihaidumitres12
Yeah, this one:
예, 이것:



CryptoJeffrey@XRP_Jeff · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
I know he does.
나는 그가 하는 것을 안다.
CryptoJeffrey@XRP_Jeff · Aug 19
Until someone can definitely prove to me that these are not Elon Musk's, Peter Thiels & Andreesen Horrowitz's wallets wallets I will believe they own a combination of 17 million #XRP. The raw data below.
이것이 Elon Musk, Peter Thiels 및 Andreesen Horrowitz의 지갑이 아니라는 것을 누군가가 확실히 증명할 수 있을 때까지 나는 그들이 1,700만 #XRP의 조합을 소유하고 있다고 믿을 것입니다. 아래 원시 데이터.



XRP_UzGar 🕉️ ⛓BTC@uzgaroth · Oct 23 Replying to @X__Anderson
#엘론머스크 🔥 #XRP


Elon Musk@elonmusk · Oct 24
Who decides “The Current Thing?”
Real question. I don’t know.
누가 "The Current Thing"을 결정합니까?
진짜 질문입니다. 모르겠어요.
Think about who might have decided “The Current Thing” before accepting it
그것을 받아들이기 전에 누가 "현재의 것"을 결정했을지 생각해 보십시오.
Maybe it was a social media algorithm, not even people
사람도 아닌 소셜미디어 알고리즘일지도


David Gokhshtein@davidgokhshtein · Oct 24 Replying to @elonmusk
The 1%.


Linda P. Jones@LindaPJones · Oct 24 Replying to @elonmusk and @hindsight2025
That is a really good question.
정말 좋은 질문입니다.
CryptoVan@CryptoVan1 · Oct 24 Replying to @LindaPJones @elonmusk and @hindsight2025
Elon does. Just say XRP is the next thing.
엘론이 그래요. XRP가 다음 일이라고 말하십시오.