50k #XRP or 1 #BTC? 👀👇 ☞ #XRP가 100달러가 된다면.. 쉽게 은퇴할 수 있겠지만.. 1000달러는 세대교체! 모두 즐거운 설 명절 되세요!! KINGVALEX@VALELORDX · Jan 20 Oh LOOK the simpsons saying the same exact thing i said would happen BEFORE me About the banks TAKING your MONEY MAYBE now some people will GET THE HINT on whats about to Take place within MONTHS XRP makes a lot of sense now doesn’t it ! 오, 심슨 가족이 내가 말한 것과 똑같은 일이 나보다 먼저 일어날 것이..